Tokyo Street has officially opened at Pavilion, KL. It is the newest precinct at Kuala Lumpur, merging the traditional elements and modern facets of Japan's dynamic culture and ambience. Tokyo Street is a new shopping for us with a fresh vibrant mix of Japanese food and beverage, retail and services brand. The urban shopping experience will never be the same again
Jul 28, 2011
♥ Car broke down 2 ♥
" A breakdown can be frustrating and inconvenient, to say the least. "
I was at the mechanic shop all day, and it's absolutely wasting time to wait for the completion of repair. The mechanics was inspected all the parts so that easy to traced out the problem. Finally, he found that the cover of the water tank and the hose has been broken. He suggested to be changed all. As not to get the troubled again, I agreed to changed it. However, I hoping all will be getting well.
I was at the mechanic shop all day, and it's absolutely wasting time to wait for the completion of repair. The mechanics was inspected all the parts so that easy to traced out the problem. Finally, he found that the cover of the water tank and the hose has been broken. He suggested to be changed all. As not to get the troubled again, I agreed to changed it. However, I hoping all will be getting well.
So sad to saying that I have been lost the money and the time today.
♥ Car broke down ♥
OMG... A breakdown can be frustrating and inconvenient, to say the least.
When the cars usage has over 5 years onwards, it will become a disturber. Before that, what will we gonna do? To protect the engine, the air pump, the water boiling, the absorber, motoring, and etc. all known by the car. However, the car needed to send for maintenance with the fixed time so that it can be under protecting in the long period.
Jul 25, 2011
♥ What is the way to take care of your teeth? ♥
Do you brush teeth every morning, after food and before go bed?
When you get your picture taken, everyone says, "Say cheese! Smile!" So you do — you open your mouth and show your teeth. It's because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they'll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best. If you don't take care of your teeth, cavities and unhealthy gums will make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won't feel like smiling so much.
When you get your picture taken, everyone says, "Say cheese! Smile!" So you do — you open your mouth and show your teeth. It's because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they'll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best. If you don't take care of your teeth, cavities and unhealthy gums will make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won't feel like smiling so much.
Let us brush our teeth everyday.
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Bangun pagi gosok gigi, cuci muka, pakai baju, minum susu, makan roti. Saya pergi sekolah
♥ Sang Harimau vs sang singa ♥
Malam Sabtu tadi, kami disajikan dengan persembahan goyah drpd skuad sang harimau yang bertandang ke Stadium Jalan Besar di Singapura pada kelayakan Piala Dunia 2014 Zon Asia. Sama-sama makhluk yg terkuat di hutan belantara, sang harimau mengaum pd awal permainan dgn ledakan Safee Sali pd saat yg ke 26 (pd pendapat penulis, gol ini merupakan yg terpantas di sejarah kelayakan zon Asia?). Akan tetapi, detik manis ini hanya bertahan 7 minit sahaja sebelum sang harimau diterkam dan dibaham oleh sang singa yg tiba tiba menunjuk belang (who is the strongest). Malapetaka ini adalah atas soal benteng pertahanan harimau yg terlalu yakin pada diri sendiri dan rapuh sehingga menyebabkan lawan dapat membolosi 4 gol sebelum wisel separuh masa pertama ditiupkan. Sang Harimau seolah-olah ketandusan idea dan bahagian serangan tiba-tiba hilang sentuhan berbisa yg mampu menggugat dan menguji Mohd Iwan selaku benteng pertahanan sang singa yg terakhir. Mutu permainan sang harimau adalah terburuk selepas gol yg pertama, hilang tumpuan dan menyebabkan mereka dimalukan oleh skuad singa yg terdiri drpd penyerang import yg berusia 40 tahun dan arkitek tengah yg berbadan buncit tetapi lincah dan licik!!!!!
Rata-ratanya pemain-pemain muda ini masih mentah dr segi taktik dan membaca body movement lawan sehingga terperangkap berkali-kali pd separuh masa yg pertama.
Permulaan separuh masa kedua dihidangi dengan kad merah yg diterima oleh kapten pasukan Safiq Rahim yg ternyata tertekan utk mengejar defisit gol sehingga memaksa dirinya menerpa lawan dgn kasar. Nasib agak memihak kepada sang harimau selepas tu dgn pemain lawan juga diarah keluar padang gara gara tindakan kasar pd S Kunalan yg berasal dr Semenyih dan ledakan 2 gol yg penting. Namun demikian, benteng pertahanan yg diketuai oleh Muslim, sekali lagi menampakkan pengalaman membaca pergerakan badan lawan yg mentah sehingga menyebabkan gol yg ke 5 bagi pihak lawan.
Walaupun berbekalkan 3 gol di tempat lawan, namun hakikatnya skuad sang harimau ini tidak harus lagi membiarkan penyerang skuad singa itu berlegar-legar dengan bebasnya di kawasan kotak penalti di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil pada pusingan kedua Khamis ini. Ayuh, askar-askar kita! jangan kita mengibar bendera putih sebelum kita berjuang berhabis-habisan utk melayakkan diri ke pusingan seterusnya. Pastikan Negaraku berkumandang di udara di pusingan yg seterusnya.
♥ Pondering ♥
@ one time, one just knew EAT, PLAY, DRINK, ZZZZZZ and Release in their life.
What is life for in the reality, they just seem to ignore it, take it for granted till the day they realize it is too late to 'wake up', to learn the necessity, to build a solid financial freedom, healthy lifestyle and family harmonization.
What is life for in the reality, they just seem to ignore it, take it for granted till the day they realize it is too late to 'wake up', to learn the necessity, to build a solid financial freedom, healthy lifestyle and family harmonization.
What went wrong in fact? was it due to the education system?
was it due to the social glitch? was it due to the family education, communication and etc?
There are so many "was it", no matter how it goes, they need to sit down and really think for their life's goal and objectives.
Are they only wish to EAT, PLAY, DRINK, ZZZZZZ and Release in their entire life?
The author believes strongly that there are plenty of dimension that they can explore, they can achieve and they can make changes to their living.
Are they or the author is just too innocent? Pondering
was it due to the social glitch? was it due to the family education, communication and etc?
There are so many "was it", no matter how it goes, they need to sit down and really think for their life's goal and objectives.
Are they only wish to EAT, PLAY, DRINK, ZZZZZZ and Release in their entire life?
The author believes strongly that there are plenty of dimension that they can explore, they can achieve and they can make changes to their living.
Are they or the author is just too innocent? Pondering
Jul 24, 2011
Jul 23, 2011
Jul 16, 2011
♥ 弟子规 ♥
Have you ever learn of disciple rules (弟子规)?
Yes, not sure or forgotten..!!!
Let us review it
Let us review it
父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒
父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承
冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定
出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变
事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏
物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤
亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去
身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞
亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤
亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声
谏不入 悦复谏 号泣随 挞无怨
亲有疾 药先尝 昼夜侍 不离床
丧三年 常悲咽 居处变 酒肉绝
丧尽礼 祭尽诚 事死者 如事生
Jul 13, 2011
♥ I love children's ♥
Today, one of the children talking "nonsense" with the teacher who is spoke in front of us.
What did "nonsense" stand for???
Some of the children never listen instruction from the teacher, even though we are going to penalize them.
Sigh.. I have no idea on it.
But, I have a good children's who always listen to me.
They are like to hear the story what am I going to say.
I was absolutely enjoying on my new job.
What did "nonsense" stand for???
Some of the children never listen instruction from the teacher, even though we are going to penalize them.
Sigh.. I have no idea on it.
But, I have a good children's who always listen to me.
They are like to hear the story what am I going to say.
I was absolutely enjoying on my new job.

Jul 9, 2011
♥ Bumbling pose ♥
Budak-budak kini semakin pandai bertindak bumbling, suka menunjukan muka yang kelakar ,suka menghiburkan kita disekitar.
♥ Agenda masa kini ♥
Tanggal 9 Julai 2011 bakal melakar satu lagi tawarikh di negara ini di mana satu perhimpunan gergasi akan diadakan di Kuala Lumpur bagi menuntut satu sistem pengundian yang bersih, adil, saksama dan telus.
Walau bagaimanapun, perhimpunan tersebut dihalang oleh pihak kerajaan dengan pelbagai alasan yang dianggap paling bodoh di dunia yang pernah didengar. Rasa-rasanya kerajaan telah ketandusan idea untuk menangani perkara ini. Kalau alasan tersebut logik, bolehlah kita terima tanpa soal siasat. Akan tetapi, alasan yang diguna adalah seperti berikut:
a) Sebulan lepas, kerajaan mendakwa perhimpunan itu akan menimbulkan huru hara di sekitar KL dan periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL akan terjejas. Akan tetapi, sehingga semalam, kerajaan telah mengarahkan pihak polis menutup semua laluan utama ke KL. Soalannya, adakah periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL tidak akan terjejas susulan keputusan polis atau kerajaan itu?? Siapakah pelanggan peniaga di KL?? Polis, FRU atau kerajaan? Kalau ya, siapakah sebenarnya dalang di belakang yang menyebabkan periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL terjejas? Biarkan kita renungilah bersama-sama.
Pada hemat penulis yg tidak menyebelahi mana mana pihak, ingin mengutarakan sedikit pandangan, semua yg berlaku pasti ada sebab di sebaliknya. Jika salah satu pihak termasuk kerajaan, telah melakukan kesilapan, akui saja dan perbetulkan kesilapan itu serta-merta. Dengan ini, tidak ada lagi bantahan mahupun perhimpunan akan diadakan setiap masa. Perlu diketahui, perhimpunan sedemikian akan membawa kesan yg kurang baik kepada masyarakat sejagat walau di mana-mana sekalipun, termasuk kerugian berjuta-juta.
Renungilah bersama sama
Walau bagaimanapun, perhimpunan tersebut dihalang oleh pihak kerajaan dengan pelbagai alasan yang dianggap paling bodoh di dunia yang pernah didengar. Rasa-rasanya kerajaan telah ketandusan idea untuk menangani perkara ini. Kalau alasan tersebut logik, bolehlah kita terima tanpa soal siasat. Akan tetapi, alasan yang diguna adalah seperti berikut:
a) Sebulan lepas, kerajaan mendakwa perhimpunan itu akan menimbulkan huru hara di sekitar KL dan periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL akan terjejas. Akan tetapi, sehingga semalam, kerajaan telah mengarahkan pihak polis menutup semua laluan utama ke KL. Soalannya, adakah periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL tidak akan terjejas susulan keputusan polis atau kerajaan itu?? Siapakah pelanggan peniaga di KL?? Polis, FRU atau kerajaan? Kalau ya, siapakah sebenarnya dalang di belakang yang menyebabkan periuk nasi peniaga di sekitar KL terjejas? Biarkan kita renungilah bersama-sama.
Pada hemat penulis yg tidak menyebelahi mana mana pihak, ingin mengutarakan sedikit pandangan, semua yg berlaku pasti ada sebab di sebaliknya. Jika salah satu pihak termasuk kerajaan, telah melakukan kesilapan, akui saja dan perbetulkan kesilapan itu serta-merta. Dengan ini, tidak ada lagi bantahan mahupun perhimpunan akan diadakan setiap masa. Perlu diketahui, perhimpunan sedemikian akan membawa kesan yg kurang baik kepada masyarakat sejagat walau di mana-mana sekalipun, termasuk kerugian berjuta-juta.
Renungilah bersama sama
Jul 5, 2011
My New Job
I need to wake up early every morning around at 6.30am and reach the school for teaching before 7.45am. On the first day, I am be arranged to follow and learn from teacher Lai. Since I have no any experience on it, i must learn more from them.
It was so many children there. We need to memorize their names and all the teachers name also.
And I was wondering how can I handle all the children's. ??!!
It was so many children there. We need to memorize their names and all the teachers name also.
And I was wondering how can I handle all the children's. ??!!
Jul 3, 2011
Jul 2, 2011
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