Jul 25, 2011

♥ Pondering ♥

@ one time, one just knew EAT, PLAY, DRINK, ZZZZZZ and Release in their life.
What is life for in the reality, they just seem to ignore it, take it for granted till the day they realize it is too late to 'wake up', to learn the necessity, to build a solid financial freedom, healthy lifestyle and family harmonization.

What went wrong in fact? was it due to the education system?
was it due to the social glitch? was it due to the family education, communication and etc?
 There are so many "was it", no matter how it goes, they need to sit down and really think for their life's goal and objectives.
Are they only wish to EAT, PLAY, DRINK, ZZZZZZ and Release in their entire life?
The author believes strongly that there are plenty of dimension that they can explore, they can achieve and they can make changes to their living.
Are they or the author is just too innocent? Pondering

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