Jun 30, 2011

♥ Holiday - Day 2 , breakfast @ The Zenith Hotel ♥

Good morning everyone.
What really stood out for us was the breakfast which was outstanding. We've stayed in many excellent hotels in Malaysia but this was the best breakfast. They have a chef , in charge of their Asian breakfast who is passionate about his food and it shows - great quality and variety.

Jun 29, 2011

♥ KL Gangster ♥

" KL Gangster "
This movie really 1 Malaysia, got Malay, Chinese and Indian.
Worth to watch !!!

♥ Holiday - Day 1 @ Kuantan ♥

Eventually I was leave the company, and I need to relaxing and enjoying the life's from now before started my new job. So where is the nice place for relaxing? How about Kuantan? I love the foods and the beach.

This is the Hotel which we stayed just opposite East Coast Mall, The rooms were clean, comfortable, modern and well quip. The bathroom was big and the rain shower was excellent. A host of in-room facilities include free broadband internet access, individually controlled A/C, IDD telephone, coffee & tea making facilities, mini-bar, LCD TV, satellite and in-house movie channels are provided to enhance the overall stay experience. I love it . . .

Jun 28, 2011

♥ Best wishes from me to U ♥

It is my last day after 3 years with O company.
I would like to sincerely thank Si pendek for every experience shared, friendship made, and good times had during this time.

Take care & best wishes for the future.

Jun 27, 2011

Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2011 @ Dataran Merdeka

Hei semua orang,
Siapakah yang turut serta Marathon yang bermula awal pagi 4.30am semalam, adakah anda berjaya menghabiskan full marathon (42.2km), half marathon (21.2km), 10km, 5km Fun Run atau Kids Dash (950m-3km)?

♥ challenging Life ♥

Currently my friend is interning @ Sunway International Resorts and Hotels, at the corporate office.
And she is the only one who got chosen to intern there out of all the applicants.

So everyday is like an adventure to her, although its really challenging but she love it!!
She was very enjoy on her job. 

Jun 25, 2011

Smiling face

A smiley, or happy face, (/) is a stylized representation of a smiling human face
we should always have the face with a smile, friendly
kita harus selalu mempuyai wajah dengan senyuman, ramah mesra

Jun 23, 2011

Importance of black and white

a) Please be reminded that we need to write down every important thing in black and white form to avoid any argument in later days

However, a lot of ppl ignore it and suffer in later days. why why why?????

b) furthermore, some ppl are more concern about 'face' when he or she knows that he or she has done something wrong. they do not wish to listen advice from the seniors. why why why?????

Jun 19, 2011




可是,近來向幾位八零後的後生了解有關中國四大經典名著,他們竟然一竅不通。他們所熟悉的竟然是時下HIT的電視劇,音樂等,吃店,比如: BRUNO MARS 的 MARRY ME。身為龍的傳人的他們,竟然還不覺得怎麼一回事呢。不知如何形容當時的心情。感覺上他們吃喝玩樂之外,沒什麼功能了。悲哉至餘,唯有感概時代變了,人類也變得懶惰了。怪不得末日將來了。中國四大經典名著和其作者如下:

1)西遊記 - 吳承恩
2)水滸傳  - 施耐庵
3)紅樓夢 - 曹雪芹
4)三國演義 - 羅貫中


Selamat tinggal

Aku akan meninggalkan company O tak lama lagi. Dengan keikhlasan, aku ingin berterima kasih terhadap rakan kerja yang sentiasa berkerjasama antara satu sama lain.

Si pendek
Dia seorang yang kecil dengan hati yang baik, makan tak banyak tapi gemok (jgn marah tau).
Walaupun dia semacam budak-budak, kerjanya dapat disiapkan dengan tepat dan kemas. Dia sangat rapat dengan aku, kita berdua selalu bergurau sambil buat kerja.
(Kadang-kala dia sangat bising, aku tak tahan jugak :p)

Si mengandung
Dia akan menjadi ibu tak lama lagi, tahniah kepadanya!!
Dia bersama kita tak banyak cakap. Tapi bila masa kita bergurau, dia bergurau jugak. Dia banyak menumpukan perhatian dalam kerja diri. Sebab itulah kita tak banyak cakap. Hanya Si Pendek tu selalu kacau.

Acun sang
Dia banyak menghulurkan bantuan kepada department kita, dan ia mempunyai banyak idea untuk memudahkan kita bekerja.

Ada kebanyakan lagi aku tak sempat nak sebut satu satu, tapi kau semua adalah orang yang amat dihargai, terus lah sokongan anda.

Selamat tinggal... All the best

Happy Father Day

As we know, today is a very special day - PAPA DAY.
Oh yes, all of you will be busy with the plan how to celebrate with father. We are going to dinner together as usual for the past years. But I couldn't celebrate with my dad this year as i'm out of the town. However, my love for them will not be on special day, it will be forever-forever. I Love You,Papa

Happy Papa Day to my loving Dad...


Jun 17, 2011

Angry Birds

Jun 16, 2011

Selamat pengantin baru

Silat kepada pengantin baru... Tahniah ya.

Signboard fell on vehicles, 26 May 2011...KLIA to KL

Here are some pictures want to share with you all which happened on the road to KLIA
(heading towards KL)

Jun 15, 2011



西方有句俗諺:「結婚在六月----新郎幸福,新娘快樂。」原來「六月新娘」源自於June 的語源Juno,也就是羅馬神話中天帝Jupiter的妻子Juno,她代表了女性、婚姻和母性,集美貌、溫柔、慈愛於一身,所以六月結婚,諸事皆宜。

還 有五月是鮮花盛開吐艷的季節,故英文有所謂「四月雨帶來五月花」的說法(Aprilshowers bring May flowers.),緊接著的六月是結婚的黃道吉「月」,故年輕的女孩子多選在這個月份作新嫁娘,這是英文中June Bride(六月新娘)的由來。

Jun 14, 2011

Happy Wedding on June

Celebrity June weddings! It has always been a popular time for couples to marry and this year isn't any different.

Happy Wedding...

Jun 13, 2011

Terengganu Menang dgn penuh bergaya 2-1

Pada minit yang ke 97, saat di mana pengadil malam final sedang berkira-kira untuk meniupkan wisel penamat, tiba-tiba ledakan Manaf Mamat yang ditepis oleh Khairul Fahmi 'disempurnakan dengan bergaya" oleh pemain Cik Siti Wan Kembang, Daudsu ke dalam gawang sendiri. Terengganu bagaikan mati hidup semula, memang aneh, pelik tapi benar! Serentak itu, sorakan gemuruh "peteh ganu peteh" bergema dan berkumandangan di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil ini. Dari titik pertolakan inilah, kita sebagai penonton setia Piala FA ini, melihat pemain pemain Kelantan seolah-olah tidak percaya akan apa yang telah berlaku dan terus lesu dan hilang semangat serta-merta. Cuba bayangkan lagi beberapa saat yang tinggal, Kelantan akan dinobatkan Juara Piala FA kali pertama dalam sejarah bolasepak kebangsaan, tetapi disebabkan tandukan yang gugup Daudsu, melenyapkan segala-galanya. Tetapi, inilah namanya bolasepak. Bola berbentuk bulat sfera. Segala-gala kemungkinan boleh berlaku sebelum wisel penamat ditiupkan. Samalah dengan hidup manusia, apa-apa saja boleh berlaku asalkan kita jangan putus asa, dan terus berjuang berhabis-habisan.

Sebelum mengundur diri, penulis blog ini berpendapat skuad Terengganu mempunyai beberapa pemain muda yang cukup berwibawa, antaranya Manaf Mamat, Joseph Kallang Tie dan Mazuki. Sekiranya bakat mereka digilap dengan baik, nescaya mereka akan menyinar di arena antarabangsa pada masa yang akan datang.

Syabas dan tahniah kepada skuad Terengganu yang memenangi Piala FA 2011 dengan penuh bergaya!

Jun 12, 2011

Cute kids

Children are very cute, even though they sometimes are naughty, but they have innocent smile, so you have no way to get him/her.

How did you spend your last weekend?

How did you spend your last weekend?

Some of you like shopping, like to hang out with friends/GF/BF, like to joint on the party, like to sing k, blogging, play online game, traveling, FB or sleep along day.

For myself It is a good idea to spend a little time just relaxing and enjoying some time alone.

A Colourful Summer

It’s time for sun, sand and surf. Yes summer’s here and so are the latest fashions.

Here’s a collection of my hottest picks for the season.
This pretty pair is from Zara and is available in satin. Pink, orange and turquoise…perfect colours to bring out the summer sun!

This shoe by Chritian Louboutin is something very unlike Louboutin.