Aug 27, 2011

♥ Hari Raya celebration ♥

My kindergarten had a raya celebration yesterday, all the teachers requested to wear a Malay costume, eg: baju kurung, baju kebaya. And I wasn't expected that the Chinese children also wearing the Malay costume, could you imagine... they are looked super deeply cute.

That day we were prepared the foods, eg ketupat, nasi lemak, rendang ayam, kuih-muih. And introduce with the children's some Hari Raya foods, and also let them know that how the Muslim going to have their Hari Raya celebration. We also played the song of Hari Raya and danced together, you can see they are very enjoy on it.

A quick one to wish all my friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Be safe and drive safe, have a good celebrations and holiday!
Maaf Zahir & Batin

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